Az Egyesült Államok pozitív döntést hozhat a szovjet típusú MiG-29-es harci repülőgépek Ukrajnának való átadása ügyében – közölte John E. Herbst, az USA ex-nagykövete, az Atlantic Council Eurázsiai központ igazgatója a YES jaltai stratégiai konferencián a Radio Szvobodának adott interjújában.
A diplomata elmondása szerint egy amerikai szakértőcsoport kihangsúlyozta, hogy ezeket a vadászgépeket be kell vonni az Ukrajnának nyújtandó katonai segélycsomagba.
Herbst megjegyezte, hogy korábban az amerikai hatóságok politikája „félénk” volt, ezért nem szállítottak repülőgépeket. Most változhat a helyzet.
„Úgy gondolom, hogy hamarosan pozitív döntés születhet a MiG-kel kapcsolatban, már hallottam róla. Szóval szerintem ez egy jó lépés. De korábban az adminisztráció túl félénk volt ahhoz, hogy MiG-eket küldjön, mert azt hitte, hogy az provokálni fogja Oroszországot” – hangsúlyozta Herbst.
It is with great satisfaction that I welcome the announcement by ?? @StateDept on the complete lifting of the U.S. arms embargo on Cyprus??. This is a landmark decision, reflecting the burgeoning strategic relationship between the two countries, including in the area of security.
Had a phone call with the ?? President's National Security Advisor @JakeSullivan46.
Discussed further coordination in the matter of guaranteeing ??energy security. Thanked for supporting ?? in our struggle for independence, freedom, and democratic values.
On the ninth anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and seizure of Crimea, we reaffirm our support for Ukraine as it defends its sovereignty, territorial integrity, and independence. Crimea is Ukraine.
Weaponization of our courts for political grievances is an abhorrent abuse of power.
The George Soros-supported NYC DA is only furthering the radical liberal agenda to have elections determined at the jury box rather than the ballot box.
It is beyond belief that District Attorney Alvin Bragg has indicted a former President and current presidential candidate for pure political gain. Arresting a presidential candidate on a manufactured basis should not happen in America.
Thank you to everyone for your support and love! I have so many messages coming in that I can't respond...also don't want to spill my champagne ? #Teamstormy merch/autograph orders are pouring in, too! Thank you for that as well but allow a few extra days for shipment.
Proud to stand with Acting Deputy Secretary Nuland @UnderSecStateP and my @StateDept colleagues to mark the delivery of the first U.S.-provided Mine Resistant Ambush Protection (MRAP) vehicles to Ukraine's border guards and police. The United States will give 190 MRAPs to enable…
A very warm welcome to Kyiv to @SpecRepUkraine Penny Pritzker and U.S. private sector CEOs. Today we will have meetings focused on accelerating U.S. business investment in Ukraine for the recovery.
Thank you @OlKubrakov for a substantive discussion with Ukrainian officials and private sector reps on practical steps to increase Ukraine’s exports and restore its economic vitality, a crucial counterpoint to Russia’s aggression.
— Special Representative Penny Pritzker (@SpecRepUkraine) January 12, 2024
Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin has arrived in Kyiv on an unannounced visit. He will meet Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Defense Minister Rustem Umierov to discuss Ukraine's arms needs.